Is Decat Pipe legal in the UK?

Decat pipe is an exhaust pipe that goes into the rear of cars and other vehicles. Decat pipes are legal in the UK as they are considered ancillary equipment. However, drivers should be aware that decat pipes have their own rules and regulations, including whether or not they can be installed in vehicles with restricted or banned grilles. Decat pipes are also subject to several restrictions depending on where they are installed. Decat pipes are often confused with downpipes, an alternative to generating exhaust fumes inside a vehicle’s cabin. Read on for more information about decat pipe in the UK and its different types such as seat fr decat pipe etc. What is a Decat Pipe? A Decat pipe is a section of exhaust pipe connected to the tailpipe of a car or other vehicle. It directly routes exhaust fumes from the car’s engine to the atmosphere instead of down the exhaust pipe. The benefit of decat pipes is that they do not produce any tailpipe emissions. How to Install a Decat Pipe in...