What Are Symptoms of a Bad Timing Chain?

When we are purchasing any vehicle, we cannot assume that it will never get affected or the parts or the vehicle will never be worn out, just like the other things the components of any vehicle also has their life and they work according to their time if any of the components crosses its due life it will get damaged and will also start causing problems for the rest of the working or functioning components of the car if not replaced properly or timely.

As a driver and owner of a car we must know that the most important component of any vehicle is the engine, if the engine stops working then the whole vehicle would be affected, if the engine is damaged it may not be replaced which will automatically lead towards the disposal of any vehicle.

In this article we will discuss about one of the very important and famous components inside the engine which is known as the timing belt or the timing chain. Many engines have been upgraded but since the inception of the combustion clean engine, this timing belt has been of the constants. Many of the new and upgraded vehicles have the timing chain as compared to the timing belt present inside them.

The timing chain is present in front of the motor of the engine which is connected along with the gears and pulleys that connects the other mechanical components which also includes the camshaft and the cram shaft of the engine. It is compulsory for the engine to work properly and to fire properly that the timing chain is working efficiently and is running smoothly around the gears and pulleys without any hesitation or blockage.

Symptoms of Failing Timing Chain:

These timing chains are also meant to be used for a specific period of time and if they are not replaced as prescribed by the manufacturer then it would cause major problems for the driver and for the vehicle. In this article we will discuss about some of the very major symptoms of the failing timing belt that can also be categorized as some of the warnings that your timing belts needs to be replaced otherwise it would damage the car permanently.

Engine Will Start Failing:

When the timing belt will get damaged then it will automatically affect the working of the engine, the engine will start back firing and will not run smoothly. The driver would also find it difficult to even start the engine smoothly.

Metal Components Found in Oil Filters:

When the timing chain will get damaged then small pieces of the chain will start getting into the oil filters of the car and will affect the working of the car.

Engine Light Will Be On:

Another major symptom of the failing timing chain would be that the engine light of the car would be on indicating that something is wrong with car which needs to be checked by a car engine repair shop and should be fixed immediately.


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