How Do You know If Your Car Engine is Blown?
The engine of your car possesses technology that is beyond the comprehension of a simple mind. Mechanical and automotive engineers put a lot of brainpower into creating the machinery used in your vehicles to efficiently transform the heat produced by burning gas into energy used to drive the car. Even though a car engine is very robust and can withstand a lot of wear and tear, after a certain amount of time, you will find yourself looking for an engine replacement. A few common symptoms of a car's engine that might need a replacement include unfamiliar sounds and smells being emitted by the car after being driven. However, not all indications that something might be wrong with the engine require you to replace it. Sometimes a quick repair can also do the job. For this purpose, we highly recommend consulting a seized engine repair shop if your car breaks down unexpectedly. In this article, we will tell you a few signs to look out for to ensure your engine isn't blown.
A few signs of a Blown Engine
1. Emission of white smoke
If your car's exhaust pipe is emitting white smoke, it might be an indication that something is wrong with the engine. Most of the time, a white exhaust signifies that the combustion chamber is filling up with engine coolant or water. If that is the case, you will see the exhaust look denser than normal exhaust smoke and linger in the air.
2. Knocking or Rattling Sounds
One of the most common signs of a blown-out engine is internal engine noise. If you hear an unfamiliar sound come from under the hood of the car, it is a clear indication that something is wrong. Most rattling and knocking sounds are created by worn-out and broken components of the engine. The knocking sound is a sign that the engine is too far gone.
3. Engine is overheating
If the weather is not extremely hot, a healthy car engine should not take more than a few minutes to go from hot to its normal temperature. However, if your vehicle's engine starts to heat up frequently, it is a sign that something is wrong with the cooling system. Most of the time, an overheated engine is a sign of a coolant leak, which, if not fixed right away, can cost you your car's engine. We recommend that you flush the system and refill it with a high-quality coolant.
4. The Ignition won't take
If the gas tank is full and the batteries are charged but your car still wouldn't start, it is an indication that something is wrong with the engine. This issue's underlying cause is often related to worn-out components, overheating, or even improper timing.
The Bottom Line
It is the responsibility of every car owner to ensure their car is functioning correctly. Driving a car with a faulty engine can be very dangerous for the passengers of the car as well as other vehicles on the road. For this purpose, we highly recommend consulting a mechanic immediately if you think there is something wrong with your car.
Also Read: How to repair a seized engine?
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